Technology Consulting

Easy to use and affordable solutions with high scores and the lowest total cost of ownership.


our work

Serving a variety of industries, we facilitated digitaltransformations for companies who desperately needed to pivot to online operations during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have helped numerous companies evolve and optimize their processes and business strategies. We help multiple organizations eliminate procedural inefficiencies.

We help companies replace obsolete or underutilized technical tools. We help companies increase their organizational capacity. We help companies harness the power of technology to improve customer experiences.

consulting services

1. Overview

We have developed a six dimensional model to get to know your company in depth, locate its degree of maturity, and detect areas of opportunity.

Our diagnostics and interventions add value by providing the company with real and timely information for decision making.

2. Process

area of expertise

consulting methodology

Target design

Initial supplies

Information analysis

Customer interview schedule

Work plan

Applications Interview

Observational studies

Statistical studies

Cross-referencing of information

Alignment of objectives and possible solutions

Determination of digital maturity

Design of solutions


Digital transformation

Business transformation

Business cases

Financial evaluation


Technology self-sustainability

Technological self-sustainability

Executive Report

Final Presentation

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