NearShore Flex-Staff Augmentation

NearShore FLEX Staff Augmentation can save you up to 50% on the technical resources you need to expand your team. Hiring a remote team of employees is a standard business practice today, and we make it flexible and easy. Hire a single resource or an entire team: it's up to you.


Why choose Netatech for your business?

Netatech NearShore team offers a flat monthly fee to build you a custom team of technical resources that Flex your operational budgets and increase your bottom line revenue.

It’s the quick, headache-free way to add:

UI / UX Design

area of expertise

consulting methodology

Target design

Initial supplies

Information analysis

Customer interview schedule

Work plan

Applications Interview

Observational studies

Statistical studies

Cross-referencing of information

Alignment of objectives and possible solutions

Determination of digital maturity

Design of solutions


Digital transformation

Business transformation

Business cases

Financial evaluation


Technology self-sustainability

Technological self-sustainability

Executive Report

Final Presentation

Get the best